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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy

Giving birth will no doubt be one of the most magical moments of your life and to ensure that your child is strong and happy, it is important you do all you can to have a healthy pregnancy. To help you and your baby on your way, this article has compiled a number of tips that are guaranteed to make those nine pregnancy months the best they can be!

The first thing you must do when you find you are pregnant is to visit an obstetrician/gynecologist (OBGYN). They will give you an ultrasound to see how far along you are and whether your pregnancy appears to be normal. This stage is crucial and it is important not to leave this too late.

After this, you must begin to change your lifestyle. Remember, you are no longer eating and exercising for yourself but for two! Firstly, if you are a smoker or a drinker, you must quit. Cigarette smoke can lead to low birth weight in babies as well as miscarriages and tubal pregnancies so try to avoid second hand smoke as it is not conducive to a healthy pregnancy. The same can be said for alcohol and other toxic chemicals and substances such as paint fumes. These items are both damaging to the mother and to the pregnancy.

Another part of changing your lifestyle is your diet during pregnancy. Make sure to drink plenty of water – about 6 to 8 glasses a day. It is not healthy to be overweight or underweight during a pregnancy but do remember that you shouldn’t diet during pregnancy. Pregnancy is not a time to be worrying about your weight! Don’t skip meals as you and your baby need as much nutrition and calories as possible, although not the fattening kind so make sure you get a balance. Junk food is great to satisfy those crazy pregnancy cravings but try not to go overboard!

If you are worried about weight gain during pregnancy, a great alternative to dieting is light exercise. You may not have loved it before your pregnancy, but learn to love it now as it will definitely pay off in the long run by keeping your baby healthy and your body fit. Light exercises will not harm your pregnancy so try swimming, yoga and walking.

An additional healthy pregnancy tip that those with busy schedules tend to forget is the importance of sleep. Make sure to get plenty of rest so that you and your baby can recuperate and to ensure that your immune system is as strong as possible. It is advised that you rest on your side to reduce swelling and generate the best circulation to your baby.

To recap: avoid damaging substances such as nicotine and alcohol, don’t diet during pregnancy, drink plenty of water, practice as much exercise as safely possible, and get plenty of sleep! Following these pregnancy tips will make certain that you have a healthy pregnancy and have a happy and fit child.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Common Sense Approach To Pregnancy Weight Loss

Ok so everyone gains weight while they are pregnant. This is perfectly normal. It is also perfectly normal for a woman to want to lose that weight after pregnancy. We have established this much at this point in time. There is absolutely nothing wrong with aspiring to get yourself back into shape right after your pregnancy, in fact I certainly encourage it!

It is important however that you take a common sense approach when you are attempting to lose weight after your pregnancy. Remember, the weight will not come off overnight, but it will come off if you go about it in the right way.

It is very important that you don’t try to fit back into your pre-pregnancy clothes right after birth. For one you will still be bloated and swollen from the delivery. You will also still be carrying around most of the fat you gained to help keep your baby safe and sound during pregnancy.

Usually the majority of women can safely lose between one and two pounds a week after the birth of their baby. This rate will help ensure a safe, healthy and steady weight loss without compromising mom’s health or the health of the new baby.

Common Pregnancy Problems

All pregnant women will agree that the first few months of pregnancy are unpleasant, to say the least. You may experience morning sickness, swelling in the legs and ankles, abdominal pains and cramps, heartburn, constipation, fatigue, bladder problems, and a myriad of problems in between. The goal of this article is to help you deal with these issues and feel better.

Morning Sickness
Morning sickness is probably the most common of the pregnancy symptoms. Don't be fooled; morning sickness nausea will come at any time of the day, not just in the morning. To help prevent nausea in the morning, wake up slowly. Try eating some plain crackers or dry cereal before getting out of bed. Avoid warm places; heat can increase nauseas feelings. Keep fresh air flowing by opening windows, or turning on exhaust fans. Cooking things in the microwave will emit fewer odors than cooking in the oven or stovetop. Eat something salty before meals, avoid greasy or spicy foods, and try not to drink fluids with your meals. Spread your meals out throughout the day, into about 6 smaller meals. Try taking your prenatals later in the day, and ask your doctor about vitamin B6 and ginger supplements. Sipping on fizzy water with lemon in it, or non-caffeinated teas like peppermint and ginger can help calm nausea.

Abdominal Pain or Cramps
There are many changes going on in your body. A lot of stress is being put on your abdominal muscles, which can cause sharp pains and cramps. To relieve these pains, try using a warm heating pad. To prevent these pains, try strengthening your abdominal muscles. Talk to your doctor to find out which kinds of exercises are best for you.

Throughout your pregnancy, you may experience some swelling. Wearing support hose can help to control your weight gain in your legs and ankles. Avoid standing for long periods of time. Wear well-fitting shoes, or buy inserts designed especially for pregnant women. Avoid diuretics, as these will lead to increased swelling. Stay off your feet as much as possible, and elevate your legs when sitting. Lying down is even better than sitting.

To combat constipation, you should exercise regularly, drink plenty of water, and eat lots of fibrous foods such as fruits and vegetables, and whole grain cereals and breads.

Fatigue can come from sleepless nights due to aches and pains or vivid dreams, or simply from too much stress. The most effective method for dealing with fatigue is to get plenty of rest. Take several naps during the day. Eat a well balanced diet, including about an extra 300 calories per day. Iron deficiency is a leading cause of fatigue, so be sure to get enough. Although it may seem counter-productive, fatigue can often be relieved by exercising. Exercise will be refreshing and will leave you feeling energized.

Many of the remedies associated with nausea will also help you deal with heartburn. In addition, chew fennel or papaya enzymes, and avoid wearing tight clothing.

Bladder Problems
Bladder problems can be among the most bothersome of pregnancy related issues. First and foremost, drink plenty of water. Avoid junk food, refined starches, coffee, sugar, tea, and foods high in acidic content. Avoid using soap on your genitals. Be sure to empty your bladder and wash with water after intercourse. Wipe from front to back after using the bathroom. Try to include cabbage, leeks, and garlic in your diet, drink 3 glasses of cranberry juice every day, and take a vitamin C supplement.

Some women get more problems than others, but they generally get a little easier during the second trimester. In general, just make sure to get plenty of rest, drink plenty of water, get some exercise regularly, eat a well balanced diet, and try to keep an optimistic mindset.

6 Reasons to Exercise during Pregnancy

Everyone knows that exercise is good for your health. Exercising during pregnancy can have additional benefits. Generally, exercise should be light, especially during the first few weeks of pregnancy while your body adjusts to the changes. Heavy exercise can divert blood flow from crucial areas and most women that exercise regularly should tone down their workouts during pregnancy.

Walking, swimming, and yoga are two popular exercise activities suitable for pregnant women. Other forms of exercise like weight lifting are okay too as long as it is not too strenuous. Most experts recommend exercising 3-4 times a week, unless a medical condition prevents it. If in doubt, always consult a physician first. Listed below are some of the top reasons for exercising during pregnancy.

1. Exercise can reduce the length of labor and reduce recovery times. The right exercise routines will increase stamina needed for delivery.

2. Improve emotional health - exercise lowers stress and improves emotional health and can make it easier for the new mother to get through the experience of pregnancy.

3. Exercise can help with weight management after the child is born. A common concern with most mothers is losing weight after pregnancy. Exercising during pregnancy can make postpartum weight loss easier.

4. Exercise is good for your unborn baby. By keeping your body healthy, you are also helping out your baby.

5. Reduced pregnancy side effects - Symptoms like headaches, fatigue, swelling, and constipation are common in pregnant women. Exercising has been shown to reduce the occurence of these symptoms.

6. Decrease risk of premature birth - exercise has been shown in studies to decrease the risk of premature birth by about 50%.

Make sure to drink plenty of fluids before exercising, have a nutritious diet, and avoid over exertion. Also, listen to your body - if you start feeling sick or nauseous, then you should stop and rest.